Hey guys! A couple weeks in now, and hopefully we haven't disappointed too many of you by keeping our zombies in a dream sequence instead of roaming about our fair town of Rosedale. For now. In my original plan for Sledgebunny's launch, we were to have pages 1 through 8 on day one to make that a little clearer. But anyhoo...
Super Art Fight 6 has come and gone and friends - did you miss out if you weren't there! The show tewtally rocked even though I did lose out to Charm City Rollergirl's own Chelsea Grose. (Next time, Grose Misconduct, next time!) Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad FTW! Next SAF appearance is at Katsucon's 7th Iron Artist Tournament. Plus, I'll be lurking around the con, tossing flyers around, tossing back drinks.